• Question: what happens if someone with blood group O receives blood from blood group A or B?

    Asked by charo to Joseph, Bernerd on 12 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Joseph Olwendo

      Joseph Olwendo answered on 12 Jul 2017:

      Blood types are controlled by multiple alleles. This means that a person possessing both A and B alleles as their genotype, has AB blood because both alleles are expressed in the phenotype. The O allele however, is recessive to both the A and B allele.

    • Photo: Bernerd Fulanda

      Bernerd Fulanda answered on 14 Jul 2017:

      Dear Charo
      Human blood is divided into one of four main blood types (A, B, AB, and O) and are based on the presence or absence of specific antigens on red blood cells called Rhesus (+ or -)
      if u give O blood type A or B, then u get agglutination of clot and thats easy death
