• Question: what challenges do engineers face?

    Asked by AISHER MUSER to Bernerd, Erick, Joseph, Ken, Peter on 10 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Joseph Olwendo

      Joseph Olwendo answered on 10 Jul 2017:

      every problem engineers have to solve always come quiet unique from each other, engineers are thus challenge to think all the time and give practical solutions

    • Photo: Bernerd Fulanda

      Bernerd Fulanda answered on 14 Jul 2017:

      Dear Aisher Muser
      If there ever is any field that offers non-stop and ever-changing challenges, engineering is one of them. Every project is different so there will always be questions to answer, problems to solve, buildings to create, and formulas to figure so out you won’t have enough time to think about something else.
      and therefore YOU WILL NEVER GET BORED
