• Question: how is an aeroplane able to withstand the force of gravity

    Asked by -Kinglegit- to Bernerd, Erick, Joseph, Ken, Peter on 6 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Joseph Olwendo

      Joseph Olwendo answered on 6 Jul 2017:

      aeroplane are able to fly due to what we call Bernouli effect. above the aeroplane and below the plane, the pressure of the two streams of air moving above and below creat a pressure gradient which results to an uplift of the plane. its that basic

    • Photo: Bernerd Fulanda

      Bernerd Fulanda answered on 14 Jul 2017:

      Dear Kinglegit
      As the plain takes off, a stream of air flowing under due to the tilting of the wings creats a force Lift (bernoulli) and this keep the plane from coming down because it has two forces; engines propelling it forward and the Lift force (due to airstream or bernouli effect) keeping it in the loating position
