• Question: How are the robots invented and with the use of which subject

    Asked by florence to Peter, Bernerd on 12 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Bernerd Fulanda

      Bernerd Fulanda answered on 12 Jul 2017:

      People have been fascinated with “artificial beings” for thousands of years.
      The word “robot” was first used in 1921 by Czech playwrite Karel Capek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots). The play involved a factory that builds artificial people to be servants for humans; n 1926, Metropolis became the first movie to portray a humanoid robot on screen; n 1926, Metropolis became the first movie to portray a humanoid robot on screen; In 1927, Westinghouse built the Televox robot; in 1927, Westinghouse built the Televox robot
      The first modern programmable robot was the Unimate. General Motors installed the first robot to work in a factory in 1961 to move pieces of hot metal. Unimate was an autonomous, pre-programmed robot that repeatedly performed the same dangerous task
      Its mostly all in Mathematics and Physics – thats why we call them mechanical robots
