You should be very careful when using internet. most of the freely accessible information are always falsehood. what i can ask you to do while reading on the internet is that try get books and scientific articles becaause they have been reviewed and their contents cannot be a lie. So take it from me that men cannot give birth for reasons that they do not have what it takes to give birth unlike women.
244ngrj1723 commented on :
You say men cant give birth but the internet has had several cases of men giving birth…. Do you mean that its a lie?
Joseph commented on :
You should be very careful when using internet. most of the freely accessible information are always falsehood. what i can ask you to do while reading on the internet is that try get books and scientific articles becaause they have been reviewed and their contents cannot be a lie. So take it from me that men cannot give birth for reasons that they do not have what it takes to give birth unlike women.
florence commented on :
what a wonderful answer