Asked by Famous Osama to Bernerd, Erick, Joseph, Ken, Peter on 6 Jul 2017.
Joseph Olwendo answered on 6 Jul 2017:
there are already models of flying cars that have been tried out. all you need to cosider for a flying car is how to increase the efficiency of the engine to give enough power to fly up the body. remember even in safari rallies cars tend to fly
Bernerd Fulanda answered on 14 Jul 2017:
Dear Famous Osama
A group of Japanese inventors is working on an ambitious plan to launch a flying car, the SkyDrive, by the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.
The Cartivator Project, a Tokyo-based non-profit, is leading the futuristic pursuit, and it has a special ambition for the vehicle.
“SkyDrive is our first flying concept designed solely to (transport the person who will) light the Olympic flame
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Famous Osama commented on :
i have had that scientist have figured that they can ‘kufufua’ a person